Company DNA

Set Your Business on the Right Path with Essential Branding and Content Marketing Foundations

Company DNA

The Company DNA is a launchpad for creativity

The Company DNA process can work for you and your business at any stage, no matter if you’re just starting out or you’re already an established business.

If you’ve ever found yourself struggling and losing sight of your business foundations, creating your Company DNA will be truly impactful. You’ll quickly discover what it is that drives you to create, what inspired you to start your business in the first place, and what impact you want to have on others and the world around you.

Through this process - this journey - you will begin to eliminate the noise and watch everything finally come into focus.

It’s when you begin to peel back the layers that you’ll find the answers and discover what lies at the core of your brand.

And it all starts with your Company DNA.

How does this whole process work?

Creating your Company DNA is a one-on-one experience where I’ll be asking the questions you never thought to ask yourself, and unveiling the answers you never knew you needed.

As we start to build your unique Company DNA, you will begin to gain clarity on what your brand truly is, allowing you to build the business you’ve always wanted.

I’ll help you to move past that place where you feel like you have to listen to what others are telling you that you need to do, and instead, be able to focus on why you are doing this in the first place.

Some of the things we’ll create are your:

  • Company tagline and one liner

  • Company script

  • Offer suite

  • Customer avatar including demographics, challenges, and pain points

  • Branding including your mission, vision, values, and attributes

  • Brand positioning statement

  • Transformation statement

  • And so much more!

From there, we will identify your content marketing pillars. It’s those pillars that will help provide all of the visual and written elements for your business - a foundation for all of the content you’ll create and the marketing you’ll do.

Before you know it, you’ll go from feeling overwhelmed and scattered to feeling calm and confident in your brand and your online presence.

You’ve reignited that creative spark, and things will begin to feel effortless.